Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Raptor and the Three Cavemen

Once upon a time there was a family of cavemen they went to take a stroll while they waited for their snail soup to cool down.
While the cavemen were out, a raptor that loved to eat broke into the cavemens cave. He went immediately to the table to raid it, he saw snail soup in three varying sizes the first one was extremely large bowl of snail soup, the second was smaller, and the third was the smallest of them all. Raptor went for the largest one but it was too hot, then he tried the second one , but it was to cold. Then he tried the smallest bowl and it was just right,he ate it all up. Then he went to the next room where he found three chairs. First he tried the largest chair but it was too hard, then he tried the medium-size chair but it was too soft, finally he tried the smallest chair and it was just right neither too hard nor too soft, he rocked back and forth so hard the chair broke. Then he went upstairs to take a nap. He found three beds, first he tried the biggest one but it was too lumpy, then he tried the medium-sized bed but it was too soft, finally he tried the smallest bed and it was just right and then he fell into a deep sleep. The cavemen family arrived at their cave and went into the kitchen, Slasher roared, '' Someone been eating my snail soup!'' then Smasher said, ''Someone has been eating my soup too!'' and Slacker groaned, '' Someone ate all my soup.'' and they walked to the next room. Then Slasher roared, '' Someone been sitting in my chair!'' Smasher said the same thing, but Slacker said, '' My chair broke.''. Next they went upstairs, Slasher said,''Someone been sleeping in my bed.'' Smasher agreed once more then Slacker cried out `` Someone is still is sleeping in my bed!``. The raptor woke up with a start and said `` Don`t eat me!``. The cavemen family chased the intruder out and was never seen again, the family lived happily ever after. THE END.

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